Saturday, May 24, 2008

Burque Babble Hiatus Status Report: 5/24/08

Yes, having a "hiatus status report" is an oxymoron. But it's not the first time the terms "moron" and "Burque Babble" have been linked. I've had a few folks wonder if I was sticking to the "hiatus" idea (okay, it was actually just one drunk guy at a bar and he really wasn't that drunk), and for "them" I submit the following short bulleted report, executive summary style:

  • Yes, the novel is being written. It's too early to tell for sure, but it already appears to be better than Moby Dick, Light in August and The Corrections put together.
  • If by "better", one means "considerably shorter than"
  • Yes, it has been very, very hard not to blog about certain recent events, especially:
    • the whole Benny Shendo "Ben Lujan is his parents are it's not a big deal, but vote for me anyway because some shadowy people might think it's a big deal and I'm really good at things like telling who is gay and not gay, and that's an incredibly important skill to have as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives"
    • anything coming out of the mouth of Hillary Clinton these days, even if I think the hullabaloo over the "assassination" mention is being overblown just a bit (but is still about the stupidest comment that has been uttered during a long, bitter campaign of stupid comments)
    • oh, and I forgot to mention her whole "hard-working white people" comments
    • oh, and there's the "Karl Rove says I could win" thing...priceless
    • not to mention the fact NARAL endorsed Obama. Quite seriously, I think this is the single funniest thing I've heard this entire decade. Monumentally funny. And yes, my definition of the word "funny" differs from that of a lot of folks.
  • Yes, school is out now and the air smells cleaner, colors appear brighter and the entire APS District did not implode. Well, at least not yet. $20m is alot of cash, but there should be plenty of skeleton-filled closets from which to to uncover funds. And I'm gonna miss those Linda Sink weekly e-mails...

Speaking of schools and education, better get back to that novel now. I'm guessing there will be occasional oxymoronic (and just plain old moronic) "hiatus status reports" over the summer, especially when the thought of writing one more Moby Dick-comparable word of novelistic genius becomes too much for me.

Now that I think about it, I might end up blogging ten times a day from here on out.