Thursday, January 24, 2008

Those Last Two Square Feet Are a Doozy

  • $4,000 for a home less than 2,400 square feet.
  • $15,000 for a home of more than 2,400 square feet.

  • Above are the purported costs to homebuilders of new Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority water conservation measures, according to Katherine Martinez (remember her city council election mavens?) of the New Mexico Home Builders Association.

    Sponsor Michael Cadigan disagrees (although not with the fact that it should cost more to build a >2400 sq. ft. McMansion), while the Ron Paul of ABQ City Council (with all that denotation entails), Don Harris, says: "This is an unprincipled power grab."

    Dammit, why can't these power grabs be more principled?

    P.S.: Or is Don Harris more like the Mike Gravel of ABQ City Council?

    1 comment:

    LP said...

    If he's for legalizing drugs, can't he be the Gary Johnson of the City Council?