Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Sublime and the Ridiculously Useless

I finally got off my lazy bohiney Sunday and experienced for the first time this year my absolute favorite thing about ABQ: the Bosque Bike Trail. Evidently, the trail is a favorite for many of us, as approximately 70% of the city's population was using it as I huffed and puffed my way up and back to Paseo from Rio Bravo.

Perhaps hard to believe, but I don't have a single sarcastic thing to say about the trail. Well, okay there's is one thing, but it doesn't have to do with the trail itself. Have you seen the Disneyfication of Tingley "Beach" yet? I was in wanna-be Lance Armstrong mode and didn't take any pictures last Sunday, but here is a webpage from the City on the "beach" including pictures of the new "train" and "train station".

If anything ever deserved quotation marks, it is the Tingley Beach renovation and in particular its "train" and "train station". It is precisely projects like this that make me wonder about humanity and whether I am a member of the same species as other supposed homo sapiens. I say this because from all accounts I've read this wholly inorganic, superficial tourist attraction is popular. Meanwhile, in my book about the lowest thing you can ever call something is an "inorganic superficial tourist attraction".

And besides...didn't Feudal Prince Marty balk at building a new Amtrak station? So instead he/the City builds a useless Disney train station gift shop for a "train" that runs about 400 yards?

That's it...I want some DNA screening. Either I or most of the "humans" on the planet have some pretty big gene coding differences.

Oh...but the Bosque Trail itself is great, and I'll be out there again this weekend.

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