Sunday, March 09, 2008

Maybe Good Like a Superintendent Should...It's Winston

Winston Brooks from a really interesting PBS "Frontline" interview

Obscure old cigarette jingles aside, it's Winston Brooks as the new Super, with a tantalizing "Breaking, Developing News at Ten" kicker:
After the decision, two board members expressed disappointment with the selection.
-Shauna Clark, Bill Diven, KRQE, posted 8:42 p.m.
Any guesses as to who those two are? And yes, I spent far too much of my Sunday night hitting Refresh to find out who got the job instead of grading papers.

P.S.: Whither Sink? Much more to mull over, but now to those ungraded papers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally like how the reporter on Channel 4 @ 10PM referred to Linda Sink simply as "Sinks". Let's not wave goodbye to her too soon as she sinks...she's being a good lambe and flying to Kansas to court Winston for a job. No joke. Only in Albuquerque.