Friday, August 31, 2007

Aging Is Wasted On the Aged

Last night was "Open House" at my school. This morning is "Shut Eyes" as I recover inadequately from "Open House". This rock-star middle school teacher life is just like Keith Richards' circa-1969, but with more lunch detention. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, more like Keith Richards circa-2007, perhaps.

Party on, Garth...we're heading, staggering toward the three-day weekend. Speaking of partying like an indie band, a friend or two tried to get me to go see the Okkervil River show last night. Fat chance that. The mere thought of having gone to the Launchpad last night and staying until midnight almost puts me in a coma. Where's Dorian Gray when you need him? Where's the coffee?

Have a good weekend, all.

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