Monday, December 24, 2007

Order Mikhail Bakunin Now And Receive Free Express Shipping!

The Old Gray Lady continues to show how hip she can be by dropping words I've never seen before. Today's New York Times way-cool term is "shopdropping" ("surreptitiously putting things in stores, rather than illegally taking them out"), and the piece focuses mainly on anarchists dropping advertising leaflets about how much advertising sucks.

And that's somewhat interesting, but even more so was the following:

"For pet store owners, the holidays usher in a form of shopdropping with a touch of buyer’s remorse. What seemed like a cute gift idea at the time can end up being dumped back at a store, left discretely to roam the aisles.

“After Easter, there’s a wave of bunnies; after Halloween, it’s black cats; after Christmas, it’s puppies,” said Don Cowan, a spokesman for the store chain Petco, which in the month after each of those holidays sees 100 to 150 pets abandoned in its aisles or left after hours in cages in front of stores. Snakes have been left in crates, mice and hamsters surreptitiously dropped in dry aquariums, even a donkey left behind after a store’s annual pet talent show, Mr. Cowan said."

Somehow a left-behind donkey says more about holiday shopping than any anarchist can.

I do like the Marx/Bakunin/Guevara t-shirt, however. It's the one on the right below:

Kike Arnal, New York Times

Happy last-minute shopping or "shopdropping" everyone!

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