A few folks who drop by here from time to time have asked me "How was Vietnam?". In lieu of didactic prose on the subject, my wife has put together a Picasa album of our recent trip.
Yes, I know this is cheesy and in some ways worse that inviting everyone to my house for a slide presentation and servings of Velveeta on Ritz Crackers. Still, at least, unlike a slideshow "party" you can leave this one whenever you want without fear of committing some sort of social gaffe. I won't mind.
If you want, you can pretend while watching the slide show that I am droning on in a bad lecturer voice things like "Vietnam is a country undergoing incredible social and economic changes that are plunging it headlong into a future of cultural uncertainty". You know, stuff like that.
That was a really good photoset. Amusing in a way that is probably more poignant for others was the "things they carry" refrain.
Great photos! I now really, really want to travel to Vietnam.
It usually doesn't pay to ask you what you do on your various travels, so say thanks to Emily for the pictures--nice slice of life. Traveling in Vietnam is one of those things that just seems surreal in the context of growing up during the war. But, a generation passes and a new one gets to recreate the world (hopefully).
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