Saturday, January 24, 2009

Go See "Wit" At Albuquerque High School!

(Note the use of the imperative in the title above)

While Burque Babble has extreme doubt of its ability to make anyone out there do anything, it is enormously suggested that dear reader go see Albuquerque High School's production of Margaret Edson's "Wit".   The last night of its run is tonight.  So go, tonight.  7:00 p.m.
 At the high school in its "performing arts center" or whatever they call the place with the, admittedly, uncomfortable seats that face a stage.

The production is, let's see I haven't done art criticism in quite some time...what were those adjectives/adverbs that get used in art criticism all the time?...oh yeah:

The production is stunning.  

No, I'm not exaggerating.  No, I'm not saying that with the caveat that it's a high school production and therefore needs to be cut massive slack.  And no, I'm not saying that because I happen to have taught about half the students in the production back when they were in middle school.

It really is quite good, and as entertaining as a play about stage four metastatic ovarian cancer can be. Yes, it's about cancer, but don't let that throw you off.  It's really good.

While my ex-students do a great job, the lead performance is by a young woman I didn't have the pleasure of teaching.  A young woman named Feldman.  She is simply wonderful in this play. She's in high school, a junior I hear, and she's stellar.  Again, I do not say that because she's in high school.  I would say that if she was 35, and the production was at the Vortex or in the "Revolutions" show.  Stellar.

If you've been around this cynical, negative, whiny part of the blogosphere for any length of time, you know Burque Babble isn't much for the rah-rah, pom-pom cheerleader shtick.

Well, rah.  Rah.  Give me a W.  Give me an I.  Give me a T.  What does it spell?

It spells that should get your ass down to Albuquerque High School tonight and see the last night of this play.  I'm not kidding, being cynical or even whiny.  Really.  

Go see it.

P.S.:  Thanks to all in "Wit" for a wonderful, enthusing, inspiring night of theatre-going last night.  Bravo.

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