Saturday, August 15, 2009

NM Educators: The Grass Is Just As Brown and Dying On The Other Side of the Testing Fence

There are differences between public education/testing in Washington State and New Mexico:
  • Washington has a test called the "WASL" which was intended to be the Beatles White Album of standardized testing, but....
  • Washington "SAT scores have been consistently among the best in the nation"
  • Washington elects its state education leader (the poorly worded "Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction")
But when you come down to it, things are every bit as screwed up in Olympia as they are in Santa Fe. Hmmm...that's saying a lot. That's a pretty bold statement. Just how screwed up would an organization have to be to equal the amount of screw up at the NM Public Education Department? If that amount of screw up could be harnessed somehow, could it possibly provide enough energy to completely replace the use of fossil fuels in this country?

Something to ponder while reading this editorial from the Spokane Spokesman-Review.

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