Sunday, November 12, 2006

The More Important Things: Episode One

Oly and wife Emily

Our golden retriever of five plus years, Oly, had a epileptic seizure this afternoon. He's had a few over the years, and this one seemed to last longer than the others. Then again they always seem to last an eternity. He's fine now, lying back in that love seat he's adopted in a straddling, ultra-relaxed fashion for years now.

I can't recall ever posting a picture of the O-Man on the Babble...and on days like today one wants to make sure everyone in the world knows how wonderful one's good friends are. Thanks for everything, Oly, you're the greatest.

1 comment:

Evan said...

Tell Oly he can have some of my Depakote. Oh, and that he's a very good looking dog.